Friday, June 5, 2009

My Girl Paula Apple Crisp

Well, things are really busy around here. It's the end of the school year, and with it comes all kinds of activities. One of my sons has a Scholastic Bookfair going on at his school, and I've been "asked" to help. I honestly don't know how to say "no" to those things, but I've got to figure it out!!
I'm a little late on this post, but I got the apple crisp made from My Girl Paula. I followed the instructions from Mommy's Kitchen and made it in a cast iron skillet. It took about 80 minutes to get good and bubbly, and the oatmeal topping to set, but Oh My Gosh - it was good!! Everyone loved it. I made mine with five Granny Smith apples. The apples with the lemon were tart, and the topping was sweet and crunchy - but not burned or dried out. Very, very good. I think we all had seconds.
I noticed the recipe for Paula's apple crisp on the Food Network site is a little different than the one in her book. On Food Network it's a recipe for a campfire, and the proportions are a little different. The one in the book says to make it in an 8 x 8 pan, and I just can't figure out how you'd get all the filling and topping into such a small pan. I used a 10 inch cast iron skillet and it was full. If anyone reads this and wants the recipe, leave a comment and I'll get it to you. Since I haven't seen this recipe posted yet from Paula Deen, I'm going to hold off.
My garden is growing - even with all the rain and cool temperatures we've had around here lately. I've got to get out there today and start digging around. I'm excited to get some green beans, beets and carrots that I planted from seed. I'm going to plant some lettuce in a new, clean cat litter box and place it in some dappled sun to see how it does. From what I've read I should be able to get it to grow over the summer. My herbs and container flowers are doing great too - the flowers are really blooming. I've got three strawberry planters and I'm getting some red strawberries on them. I doubt if I'll get enough for my own strawberry shortcake, but maybe a few for our cereal!
This weekend is my father-in-laws birthday/father's day party. We're celebrating them all together since my older sons will be at camp over Father's Day. I'm preparing to make a cherry pie for him tomorrow. He said he can't seem to get a good cherry pie when he goes out to eat. I did a little research, and discovered you need to use a tart cherry. I ordered some from King Orchard in Michigan, and they just came yesterday. I'm excited to make it - and to make a lattice top!! I'll post when I get it made.

1 comment:

  1. Your apple crisp looks delicious!!! I'm jealous. I want a strawberry garden. I wish I had the time. I kill all plants. LOL
